“I used to have a very bad eyesight. Water frequently drips from my eyes and I don’t see things well,” Agatha Okoro (not real names) said.
“I struggled with it until I met a Yoruba woman who told me that I should start eating iru (locust beans) because it is good for the eyes. I started eating it and my eyesight improved,” Okoro continued.
The story of Agatha Okoro, a 67-year-old woman is a testament to the fact that you are what you eat. There is healing in the food you eat, hence, the need to eat right.
Confiance News gathered that the magic ingredient in her diet was Locust beans, which is known as iru in Yoruba language. In Hausa language it is called dawadawa.
Locust beans are packed with a good amount of vitamin A, which is aids eyesight.
According to a Nutritionist known as “Healthy Eating with Nazo” on X, “Locusts beans does not only add flavours to your meals. It is more. It promotes good eyesight: Locust bean contains significant amount of vitamin A. A vitamin necessary for better eyesight,” she said.
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